Thought Leadership

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 13, 2024

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 13, 2024

  One institution that I find fascinating and some of you may be familiar with is Simon Fraser University, and they’ve been doing great work. They’re focusing on development in Surrey City Centre, where much of Vancouver’s demographic growth is now south of the Fraser...

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 9, 2024

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 9, 2024

  Housing needs to be done within this much broader context of many municipalities, all who want to grow, but all who have housing is probably their number one limiter, so it’s a significant opportunity and a significant challenge.  - Jim Dunsdon, Associate Vice...

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 8, 2024

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 8, 2024

  A crucial aspect of our conversation is the significance of programmatic-driven projects. We firmly believe that successful university-anchored initiatives should prioritize the institution’s mission and vision over mere real estate considerations. The real estate...

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 5, 2024

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 5, 2024

A major topic this year that most of us are encountering is the surge in international student enrollment. Simultaneously, the government is looking at potentially capping the number of international students to maintain housing for its population.

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 1, 2024

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Feb 1, 2024

  In 2021, we saw almost 15 percent year-on-year growth in the number of applicants from outside the E.U. However, post-Brexit, there was a significant decline in the number of students applying from the E.U. For those not familiar, the reason for that is that...

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Jan 30, 2024

SHURE Thoughts for the Day – Jan 30, 2024

If you think of the so-called smaller cities, between 15,000-50,000 students in Italy, we have at least 25 cities. - Marco Di Terlizzi, Student Housing Director, CBRE Italy from SHURE story: Broker Insight: CBRE’s Di Terlizzi Says 25+ Italian Cities House...